Smartphone and chickens

Mr Artur Mainato Randim no longer wants to hear about the war. Time has helped him forget the terrible days and now he just wants to think about his farm and look to the future. He is one of the DDR, the people who entered the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration programme, the result of the Maputo peace agreement signed in 2019.

Mr Artur lives in the Missoche community in the Dôa district of Tete province.

In the past, he produced maize, peanuts, butter beans and nehmba, banana trees and sugar cane. But his dream was to grow tomatoes and cabbage.

With the arrival of DELPAZ – the Mozambican government programme funded by the European Union – in the Dôa district, his dream came true.

Through the SEPPA Foundation – a member of the consortium working with the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) – he received cabbage, tomato and bean seeds. In addition, they received training to produce these vegetables on their 9800 square metre field.

The harvest was generous and with the sale of the vegetables, Mr Artur was also able to buy a smartphone and five chickens.Now let’s get to work. He plans to increase the production area to two hectares and grow cabbage, kale, carrots and onions in the second season of the current year.

“I really hope that DELPAZ lasts here because it has brought so many benefits to our community,” says Mr Artur with conviction, whose dream now is to become a model farmer and even set an example for the whole community.

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