notices for the supply of goods and services

This page lists notices of forthcoming tenders issued by the AICS field office in Maputo or by local partners who are in need of supplies for the implementation of development projects supported by the Italian cooperation. Some of these are published exclusively for information purposes, and the Agency has no direct relationship with suppliers, who should refer only to the contracting authorities.

Contracting AuthorityNoticeDeadline
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development - Maputo OfficeCall for expression of interest for a simplified procedure foreseen by section 2.6.4 of the “practical guide for procurement and grants for European Union external actions” for participatory video production with community engagement in rural development settings, for DELPAZ Manica and Tete sub-programme, financed by the European Union and implemented by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) – Maputo regional office - CIG B0AF6D8982

Notice of expression of interest
Annex A_Legally Binding Statement
Annex B_Expression of Interest
Annex C_Personal Data Protection
AICS Determina

25/03/2024 (23h:59 Maputo time)
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development - Maputo OfficeFornecimento de medicamentos, reagentes de laboratório, equipamento médico e consumíveis ao Ministério da Saúde para apoiar o programa “Prevenção e controle das doenças não transmissíveis” nas províncias de Maputo, Zambézia e Sofala. – AID 11375
Determina di indizione di gara
Anuncio concurso
Carta de instruccao a concorrer
Tender Documents- Annex A
Tender Documents – Annex B ( II+III+V)
Tender Documents- Annex B (I+IV + Condições Especiais + Projeto de Contrato)
Tender Documents Annex C and D
Errata Corrige
A alteração reflete a entrega dos produtos do concurso, que deve ser feita DDP
(Delivery Duty Paid = Entrega direitos pagos), e a capacidade económica e
financeira, que refere-se aos 3 últimos exercícios financeiros, ou seja 2021, 2022 e

Apresentação reunião de esclarecimento 08.02.2024
Anuncio reunião de esclarecimento
FAQ- Perguntas frequentes 14-02-2024

Anulação do processo do concurso
H:12:00 (Maputo time)
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development - Maputo OfficeCall for expression of interest for a simplified procedure forseen by section 2.6.4 of the “practical guide for procurement and grants for European Union external actions” for monitoring and evaluation services for DELPAZ Manica and Tete sub-programme, financed by the European Union and implemented by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) – Maputo regional office - CIG Z3D3DCC378

Notice of expression of interest
Annex A_Legally Binding Statement
Annex B_Expression of Interest
Annex C_Personal Data Protection
AICS Determina
H: 23:59 (Maputo time)
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development - Maputo OfficeConcurso público para a contratação de uma agência privada de emprego para cedência temporária de trabalhadores nacionais – CIG A02DF95652

AICS Determina
Carta de instrução a concorrer
Documentos do concurso
Perguntas frequentes - FAQ 30.11.2023
H: 16:30 (Maputo time)
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development - Maputo Officeoncurso público para a contratação de um operador económico ou consórcio para
fornecimento de medicamentos, reagentes de laboratório, equipamento médico e
consumíveis ao Ministério da Saúde para apoiar o programa “Prevenção e controle das
doenças não transmissíveis” nas províncias de Maputo, Zambesia e Sofala. – AID 11375

Determina di indizione di gara
Anuncio concurso
Carta de instruccao a concorrer
Tender Documents
Anuncio reuniao de esclarecimento
Apresentação 23.10.23
Errata corrige
ERRATA CORRIGE Em relação aos termos mencionados no anúncio do concurso com número de referência do anúncio: 9284958, com referência a hora do prazo de entrega (art. 2 Calendário do documento “Instrucções aos proponentes” e art IV.2.2) Prazo para receção das propostas do documento ”Anúncio de concurso”, Pasta A), a hora do prazo de entrega será até ao dia 24.11.2023 às 14:00 (horas de Maputo) e não 16:30 como inicialmente previsto
Anulação do Processo de Concurso
H: 14:00 (Maputo time)
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development - Maputo OfficeEx-post publication of information on Contractors and Grant Beneficiaries - Sub-Programme for the Provinces of Manica and Tete of “DELPAZ – Local Development for the Consolidation of Peace in Mozambique” - Decisions FED/MZ/2018/041-899 and FED/MZ/041-945 - C.A. FED/2020/419-614 and FED/2022/431-433”

Ex-post publication AID 12300
Updated 31/12/2023
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development - Maputo OfficeINVITATION TO TENDER FOR Value Chain Analysis and Business Model development for the Manica Agro-Food Centre (CAAM). Manica Province, Mozambique

Introduction to Tender
Tender Documents
Determina di indizione di gara
Errata Corrige
ERRATA CORRIGE: This is to inform you that on 01/09/2023, the tender document " Additional Information to Contract Notice", consequently to an internal evaluation of the contracting authority, has been modified in the point 16 (Selection Criteria), sub-point 2 (Professional Capacity) the selection criteria number 2, as followed:

• The candidate must have experience in Sub-Saharan African countries.
H: 16:30 (Maputo time)
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development - Maputo OfficeINVITATION TO TENDER FOR Value Chain Analysis and Business Model development for the Manica Agro-Food Centre (CAAM). Manica Province, Mozambique

Invitation to Tender
Tender Documents
Determina di indizione di gara

*We hereby inform that the tender procedure has been cancelled on 19/06/2023.
Notice of Cancellation
h. 16.30 (Maputo time)
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development DELPAZ - Desenvolvimento Local para a Consolidação da Paz em Moçambique | Manica e Tete Sub-programma
Convite a apresentacao de propostas para o desenho e a construção de instalações de abastecimento de água - CIG Z26380D3FB

CIG Z26380D3FB_VOLUMES anexos ao Convite
DELPAZ CIG Z26380D3FB Perguntas frequentes - FAQ
Determina annullamento_Lotto 1_CIG Z26380D3FB
H:16:00 (horas de Maputo) do dia 07/12/2022
Eduardo Mondlane UniversityConservation and equitable use of biological diversity in the SADC region (AID 9695)
Service contract on Land use, land use change and forestry assessment in Kruger Park
Call for Application *The present call was modified on 11/03/2021
15/03/2021 h 12:00 Maputo time
*Deadline extended to 23/03/2021, h 12:00 Maputo time
Ministry of Science and Technology, Higher Education and Technical-Vocational EducationNotice of prior information for the establishment of a service contract: consultancy services for the provision of technical assistance under PRETEP PLUS project
Hiring of consultancy services for the provision of technical assistance under PRETEP PLUS project
Application form
31/01/2020, h 15:00 (Maputo time)