
In order to implement cooperation initiatives, AICS in Maputo relies on a dense network of local, international and civil society partners. Among these, Mozambican Ministries and institutions undoubtedly represent a consistent part.

The presence of CSOs, associations, religious congregations and other actors of the Italian civil society in Mozambique is geographically extended, and in many cases, it dates back to the period immediately after independence. Around thirty Italian CSOs are present in the country, and they are committed to the defense of human rights and the improvement of living conditions of the population. Italian CSOs can count on a long and important experience in Mozambique in many sectors.

AICS in Mozambique promotes cooperation initiatives carried out by Italian universities and research institutes in the field of information and communication technologies (Polytechnic of Milan) biodiversity and biotechnology (Sapienza University of Rome, University of Sassari), veterinary (Istituto Zooprofilattico Abruzzo and Molise), innovation (Politecnico di Milano and Polytechnic of Turin) and urban development (Politecnico di Milano). AICS also co-finances projects defined and implemented by Italian local authorities, such as the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, being active in the areas of urban development and territorial governance and having a long history of cooperation with Mozambique.

For what concerns collaboration with international organizations and United Nations agencies (multi-bilateral channel), cooperation initiatives are being implemented in partnership with UNESCO, UNIDO and UNFPA.

[fa class="fa-handshake-o"]  institutions and international organizations
[fa class="fa fa-spinner"]  organizations of the civil society