AICS in Zimbabwe: Promoting Food Security

This week, Paolo Enrico Sertoli, Head of Office at the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) regional office in Maputo, conducted a mission in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe, together with Malawi and Mozambique, falls within the purview of the AICS Regional Office in Maputo.

In Harare, the capital of the country, the Head of Office held meetings with the Delegation of the European Union, the Italian Embassy, Zimbabwean companies participating in Macfrut, as well as with the FAO. It is worth noting that, with this United Nations agency, two projects funded by AICS were recently approved, aimed at improving the agricultural value chain, trade, and the integrated sustainable management of miombo forest areas in the transboundary regions between Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

During his stay, the Paolo Enrico Sertoli, also visited the Province of Masvingo, where he could personally assess the status of the “Seeds for the Future” project, implemented by a consortium of NGOs led by Cospe On Plus and funded by AICS. The project supports smallholder farmers in 25 wards across 3 districts (Chiredzi, Mwenezi, and Masvingo) in adopting sustainable agricultural models. These models allow for the development of local and diversified food systems, socially just, economically viable, and environmentally sustainable, thus enhancing resilience factors.

In one of these districts, specifically in Mubagwashe, on April 24th, along with Zimbabwean authorities and partners, he attended the inauguration of a dam and a community garden. In his speech, he emphasized that the infrastructure inaugurated will bring a positive change for rural communities to “achieve food and nutrition security with a diversified diet and acquire greater adaptability to the effects of climate change,” notably allowing the dam to “combat drought induced by the El Niño phenomenon.”

On April 26th, the Head of Office, accompanied by the Italian Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Umberto Malnati, participated in the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair Company, the country’s main trade fair aimed at promoting trade and investment. During their stay, they visit the stand of the Team Europe initiatives, where the “Seeds for the Future” project was also highlighted. They took advantage of this opportunity to present to visitors the results already achieved by the project, including the recently inaugurated dam and community garden…


Rehabilitation of Escola Industrial Primeiro de Maio in Maputo: an important contribution of the PRETEP PLUS Program to the technical and vocational training in Mozambique

On April 19th, the ceremony for the delivery of four Air, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning classrooms at Escola Industrial Primeiro de Maio took place, rehabilitated and equipped under the AID Program. 10395 PRETEP PLUS, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).

The event was attended by the Italian Ambassador to Mozambique, Gianni Bardini, the Secretary of State for Technical and Vocational Education, Mety Oreste Gondoloa, the Director of the AICS-Maputo Regional Office, Paolo Enrico Sertoli, among others.

Escola Industrial Primeiro de Maio was rehabilitated with air, ventilation, and air conditioning laboratories, amounting to 68.5 million meticais, and is one of the nine beneficiary institutes to be rehabilitated and equipped under the PRETEP PLUS Program. The Primeiro de Maio Institute will thus contribute to the training of trainers in the field of air conditioning and refrigeration, which, more broadly, represents support in employment training in the Agricultural, Hospitality, and Tourism sectors, key areas of intervention of the PRETEP PLUS Program.

In his inaugural speech, the Italian Ambassador to Mozambique specified that “PRETEP PLUS aims to achieve an increase in employability and social inclusion for at least 27,000 users of schools and institutions in the subsector of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the thematic areas of Agriculture, Hospitality, and Tourism“, thus contributing to the achievement of national occupational goals, ensuring decent employment for all, including women and youth.

On his part, Mety Gondola, Secretary of State for Technical and Vocational Education, stated that the project with Italy allowed “creating conditions for there to be a center dedicated to training trainers“.

PRETEP PLUS is a Program to support the Reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training implemented by the Secretary of State for Technical and Vocational Education (SEETP), with funding from the Italian Government in the amount of thirty-five million euros and well-aligned with the pillars of the Mattei Plan. The program aims to disseminate TVET skills related to technical education at the secondary level and labor inclusion, as indicated based on the priorities of Italian Cooperation. Over the next few months, nine institutes will be rehabilitated in various provinces of Mozambique.

AICS, Italian Embassy, and TVM: Partnership to Promote Visibility of the Italian System in Mozambique

Today, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS) – Maputo Regional Headquarters, the Embassy of Italy in Mozambique, and Televisão de Moçambique (TVM). The aim of this agreement is to provide visibility to the events and activities of the Italian Embassy, as well as projects financed and implemented by AICS in Mozambique.

The event was attended by the Italian Ambassador to Mozambique, Gianni Bardini, the Chairman of the TVM Board of Directors, Élio Jossane Manuel, the Director of AICS-Maputo Regional Headquarters, Paolo Enrico Sertoli, TVM’s Executive Administrator, Cláudio Ilídio Jone, as well as TVM journalists.

During the signing of the agreement, Paolo Enrico Sertoli, Director of AICS-Maputo Regional Headquarters, thanked TVM for the opportunity, emphasizing that “With its national coverage and network of journalists, we will be able to reach the 32 million Mozambicans, spread across the 11 provinces of the country. Furthermore, thanks to its correspondents in Portugal and South Africa, we will also be able to reach Mozambicans living in the diaspora.

The Italian Ambassador to Mozambique, Gianni Bardini, emphasized that TVM holds a special place in the history of cooperation between Italy and Mozambique, highlighting that this broadcaster “emerged thanks to the partnership between the two countries,” notably with the technical support of RAI – Italian Radiotelevision S.p.A. He concludes by stating that it was an honor to sign this agreement, as TVM “is the medium that enters every home in Mozambique, informing and entertaining the population.

Élio Manuel Jossane, Chairman of the TVM Board of Directors, stated that, thanks to the agreement signed today, “the Embassy of Italy and Italian Cooperation will have airtime on various news and entertainment programs of Mozambique’s Public Television,” thus promoting “matters of interest to Italy, including projects financed by AICS.

Nádia Muchanga: A young marine biologist promoting sustainability in Inhaca.

This year we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science with the theme “Female Leadership in Science: A New Era for Sustainability,” and the sub-theme “Think of Science… Think of Peace” recognizing the role of women and girls in science, not only as agents of change but also as promoters of peace.

In this context, we want to tell the life story of Nádia Muchanga, a young marine biologist working in Inhaca who recently participated in the Summer School, a 5-week university exchange program in Italy and Mozambique, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). The program involved Mozambican and Italian students, with a focus on studying and conserving mangroves.

The conservation of marine ecosystems is essential for human and marine survival. Nádia Muchanga, a graduate in Marine Biology and currently studying biology and conservation ecology, has worked with coastal communities on Inhaca Island in Mozambique to promote sustainable fisheries management and address challenges such as resource scarcity.

One conservation measure implemented by Nádia and her team was the establishment of fishing prohibited zones, which involve closing fishing activities for a certain period, especially during peak species reproduction. However, these restrictions can lead to conflicts, generating the need to find alternative sources of livelihood for local communities.

To ensure understanding, social peace, and collaboration among communities, Nádia emphasizes the importance of scientific knowledge, particularly environmental education. Through focus groups and the dissemination of scientific information on the need for fishing prohibited zones and ecosystem conservation, secondary school children have become not only awareness agents but also biodiversity conservation agents and promoters of peace in Inhaca.

Awareness of natural resource conservation is not limited to local communities. During her participation in the Summer School at the University of Rome “La Sapienza,” Italy, organized through the Mangrowth program[1] last year, Nádia noticed differences in the scientific analysis between Italian students and her Mozambican colleagues. While theory was well developed in Mozambique, practical experience in laboratories was limited. She said, “I was impressed by the quantity and variety of laboratories where my Italian colleagues can put theory into practice, so I welcome with great joy the initiative of Italian Cooperation with Eduardo Mondlane University to provide us access to high-quality laboratories, like the one planned on Inhaca Island, with opening expected by the end of this year.”

This exchange of knowledge, experiences, and culture has enabled the building of a collaboration network among students, who continue to work together even after the conclusion of the Summer School. An example of this collaboration is a study they are jointly developing on the types of fish found in mangroves, which will be presented at the Marine Biodiversity Conference scheduled for June 2024 in Nacala.

The learning acquired during the Summer School has also contributed to formulating proposals for environmental conservation. Nádia and her team have drafted a carbon decree to quantify the amount of carbon that can be absorbed in Inhaca. This proposal aims to present the mangrove ecosystem and generate benefits for local communities. Environmental education plays a fundamental role in this process, raising awareness in the community about the importance of ecosystems and encouraging the conservation of these natural resources.

Establishing peace is crucial for promoting ecosystem conservation and preservation. It is only in peaceful environments that environmental protection can be effective and valuable. Therefore, environmental education is extremely important to ensure the preservation of ecosystems for future generations.

Nádia acknowledges the crucial role of AICS in environmental education, allowing diverse cultures to come together for conservation. The program developed by the agency promotes knowledge exchange and generates scientific benefits that are advantageous for the population as a whole. In 2024, AICS will continue to support the realization of a new Summer School, thus ensuring that future generations have continuous access to environmental education.

The young biologist also thanked the support of Italian Cooperation for women and girls in science, emphasizing that “it provides resources and opportunities that help promote gender equality and the advancement of women in scientific careers in Mozambique.”

Nádia Muchanga is an example of the important role that young Mozambican girls can play in promoting science for ecosystem conservation. “I hope my story inspires other young Mozambican girls to pursue scientific careers, thus contributing to the scientific and technological progress of the country.” On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Nádia also emphasized that “women bring unique perspectives that can lead to new discoveries and innovative solutions to challenges faced by Mozambique.”

[1] AICS, in collaboration with the University of Rome “La Sapienza,” UEM, and MIMAIP, is implementing the “Mangrowth Preservation of Ecosystems for Sustainable Development” program, focusing on Inhaca Island and Maputo Bay (AID. 12432). This is a €3 million program, approved in October 2021, which includes three components: institutional support and coordination; development of scientific capacity at the Marine Biology Station of Inhaca (EBMI) and improvement of its technical and scientific capacity to implement effective strategies for biodiversity conservation and ecological restoration, with a focus on mangrove habitats; and reforestation and management of mangroves in Maputo Bay and the development of income-generating activities.