Delegated Cooperation

The European Union and its member countries, at an aggregate level, represent the largest source of Official Development Assistance on a global scale (OCSE-DAC). In 2017, the European Union endorsed the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda and placed them at the helm of its cooperation action through the "New European Consensus on Development", a strategic reference framework for EU institutions and member countries.

The Italian Cooperation system has a two-way relationship with the European Union. According to Art. 6 of Law 125/2014, Italy on the one hand "participates in the definition of the European Union's development aid policy, contributes to the European Union's budget and funds and harmonises its own guidelines and programming lines with those of the European Union, favouring the implementation of joint projects", and on the other hand "contributes to the implementation of European development aid programmes, also by participating in indirect centralised management, usually through the Agency."

In 2018, the Agency completed the accreditation process as a qualified institution for the indirect management of European funding. Since then,  AICS has taken full ownership of delegated cooperation initiatives.

DELPAZ Mozambico


Desenvolvimento Local para a Consolidação da Paz em Moçambique

Since 2021, AICS MAPUTO has been working on the delegated cooperation programme DELPAZ, an EU-funded Mozambique government programme, run in partnership with the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), and the Austrian Cooperation Agency (ADA).

With the ultimate goal of contributing to the consolidation of peace at the sub-national level in Mozambique, through inclusive governance and local economic development, DELPAZ is a key part of the EU's commitment to support the country's peace building process.

Under the programme, AICS contributes (with a budget of €11. 3 million), in the communities most affected by the conflict of five districts of Manica Province (Báruè, Macossa, Tambara, Gondola and Guro) and three districts of Tete Province (Tsangano, Moatize and Dôa), to the achievement of the specific objective "Improving the livelihoods of rural communities in the districts most affected by the conflict, with special attention to women and the most vulnerable groups", with activities to promote local economic development and infrastructural interventions, with an estimated pool of over 80. 000 beneficiaries.

Booklets Manica and Tete


Voices & Faces of Peace


News & Press Review