International experts and local community to launch the fifth edition of the course on sustainable development of coastal communities

The fifth edition of the International Advanced Course for the Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities kicked off today at the Tricase Branch of CIHEAM Bari. This year, the programme welcomes a delegation of 13 ministerial officials from 10 Mediterranean and African coastal countries, including Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Lebanon, Mozambique, Senegal, Somalia, Tunisia and Uganda.

Funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), the course is organised by CIHEAM Bari with the technical support of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). The main objective is to support the Blue Transformation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities, promoting an integrated approach that takes into account the multiple dimensions of sustainability and the balance between environmental conservation and socio-economic development.

During the opening ceremony, the presence of international experts was emphasised, along with the participation of the local community. In particular, the conclusions were entrusted to Paolo Enrico Sertoli, Head of the Maputo Office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), who brought forward AICS Maputo’s message of collaboration and support for sustainable development efforts in Mozambique.

The local community welcomed the international guest delegation, highlighting the inclusive and inspiring role of the Tricase Port Museum, where cultural diversity fosters the sharing of ideas and perspectives for a more sustainable future of global coastal communities. This fifth edition of the course offers an important opportunity for dialogue and cooperation between experts, researchers, decision-makers and local communities, laying the foundations for a joint commitment to environmental and social sustainability.

Furthermore, Paolo Enrico Sertoli highlighted the crucial role of AICS Maputo in promoting sustainable development in Mozambique, stating that “through AICS initiatives in Mozambique, an integrated approach is being promoted to support Blue Transformation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities.”

The Head of Office also stressed that “AICS Maputo’s active involvement in capacity building and regulatory support reflects the Agency’s commitment to supporting Mozambique in adhering to international conventions and protocols, thereby contributing to national efforts at sustainable coastal and marine management.”

This recognition was reiterated by the Director, who stated that “the ongoing initiatives led by AICS Maputo, including the proposals in Cabo Delgado province, are tangible examples of the Agency’s commitment to fostering participatory and sustainable management models, ensuring the active involvement of local communities and institutions in the conservation of marine ecosystems.”

The Course is attended by Ciro Novidade, current Head of the Central Department of Sea Administration at the National Institute of the Sea (INAMAR, IP). His presence among the participants reflects Mozambique’s commitment to contributing to the sustainable development of coastal communities through participation in international specialised training initiatives.

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