A Water Revolution: Malimanao Community Celebrates the Restoration of the Water Pump

In the heart of the Malimanao community, in the administrative area of Nhamagua, an extraordinary celebration took place yesterday, marked by the official delivery of the restored water pump into the hands of António Dinis, the district administrator of Macossa, in Manica province. The event represented a significant step towards ensuring sustainable access to clean water for all members of the community.

António Dinis expressed deep gratitude to the DELPAZ Program, which actively supported the rehabilitation process of the water pumps. “We are very grateful to the DELPAZ Program for providing valuable support in the rehabilitation of our pumps. This will significantly contribute to the well-being of our communities,” stated the administrator. He also emphasized the importance of the community now taking responsibility for the maintenance and wise use of this vital resource.

The ceremony witnessed the delivery of an Afridev-type water pump, one of the seven recently restored by the DELPAZ Program. Rosita Panazache, representing the Malimanao community, shared her joy in finally seeing water easily accessible. “Now we can save time as it will no longer be necessary to travel long distances to fetch water from traditional wells,” she exclaimed.

Pedro Paunde, the community spokesperson, highlighted the importance of the pump not only in facilitating water access but also in disease prevention. “Water not only nourishes us but protects us from diseases. I appeal to all communities to enjoy the privilege of having their own water pump,” he declared.

The event was made even more special by the presence of Carlos Mairoce, representative of the Italian component of the DELPAZ Program, and Paolo Gomiero, representative of the NGO Helpcode. Sofrimento João Francisco, director of the Serviço Distrital de Planeamento e Infra-estruturas (SDPI), emphasized the commitment to sustainable development and the importance of infrastructure for community progress.

This celebration not only marks a significant step forward in providing safe and accessible water but also serves as a tangible example of how collaboration between organizations and communities can bring meaningful change for the benefit of all. A testament to hope and progress for the people of the Malimanao community and an inspiration for many other communities to pursue a better life through access to clean water.


Reflections and aspirations: the voices of DELPAZ beneficiaries in the provinces of Tete, Sofala and Manica

While the political scene in Maputo is fervently discussing the possibility of a National Reintegration Plan, stimulating an in-depth dialogue between the authorities and civil society, a path towards tangible change is already being taken in the provinces of Manica, Tete and Sofala. These steps, taken with determination, have already produced results that deserve to be supported and can constitute a solid starting point. However, the solution lies not only in policies and action plans, but above all in the direct experience and authentic voices of the protagonists of this transformation.

On 21 and 22 March, the International Conference on Post-Conflict Reintegration was held in Maputo, promoted by the Institute for Multiparty Democracy (IMD), under the high patronage of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Combatants and the Secretariat for Peace (PPS). Among the participants, from the provinces of Tete, Sofala and Manica, the vibrant voices of Florinda, Rita, Mário, Graça, Anita, Isabel, Carménia and Carlota stood out.

For many of them, it was their first time in Maputo and they brought with them a message full of hope and urgency: “We want peace,” they declared emphatically. “We want to work the land, we are peasants. We want to grow our own food, send our children to school. We want to live in peace and for that we need your help.” Their words resonate with a palpable urgency, as they reflect essential needs: access to water, infrastructure, roads, markets, hospitals and schools.

The experiences recounted during the conference were moving and enlightening. Anita, her eyes still incredulous, commented on the sight of the abundance of water in Maputo’s hotels, contrasting it with the reality of her community, where water is a precious commodity that can only be reached after long journeys. Mário, impressed by the grandeur and vibrancy of the capital, thanked DELPAZ for bringing the borehole to his community and new agricultural practices, along with seeds and tools, expressing the importance of extending this type of project to all communities in need.

Florinda shared a feeling of gratitude and recognition: “We were nothing, but now we’re here talking and you’re listening to us. DELPAZ has made us visible.” These testimonies are a tangible reflection of the work done by DELPAZ, also evidenced by the distribution of the Declaration of Inhanzónia, a symbol of solidarity and inclusion promoted through the organisation of the solidarity camp in November last year in the Báruè district.

The role of women as local actors and leaders was particularly emphasised, with Carlota Inhamussua, an active DELPAZ Programme collaborator in Sofala Province, sharing significant experiences such as the savings project and the dream box. These activities aim not only to make tangible resources available, but also to stimulate the dreams and objectives of the communities involved, strengthening trust and people’s sense of belonging to their communities.

The road to peace and prosperity requires a collective and sustained commitment. When these communities begin to take the first steps towards change, it is crucial that they are not left on their own. They need time, support and resources to grow and continue to cultivate peace in their territories. Only through a shared commitment and lasting solidarity can a future of hope and prosperity be guaranteed for all Mozambican communities.

All of them demanded loudly not to be left alone, now that they are starting to ‘crawl’ and need more time and support so that they can ‘grow up’ and continue to cultivate peace in their communities.

DELPAZ, in partnership with the IMD, implemented by the AICS in Manica and Tete, and by the ADA in Sofala, with the support of the UNCFD, also contributes to this. In addition to water, infrastructure, access roads, seeds and new agricultural practices, it has stimulated the dreams of the communities most affected by armed violence, where DDR beneficiaries have returned to live together with their families.

As repeatedly expressed by the EU Ambassador to Mozambique, Antonino Maggiore, “As Mozambique’s partners, we are fully aware of the challenges we face in terms of reintegration and reconciliation; […] Peace and reconciliation can only be achieved through a thriving democracy and prosperity for the benefit of all Mozambican citizens.”

International experts and local community to launch the fifth edition of the course on sustainable development of coastal communities

The fifth edition of the International Advanced Course for the Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities kicked off today at the Tricase Branch of CIHEAM Bari. This year, the programme welcomes a delegation of 13 ministerial officials from 10 Mediterranean and African coastal countries, including Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Lebanon, Mozambique, Senegal, Somalia, Tunisia and Uganda.

Funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), the course is organised by CIHEAM Bari with the technical support of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). The main objective is to support the Blue Transformation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities, promoting an integrated approach that takes into account the multiple dimensions of sustainability and the balance between environmental conservation and socio-economic development.

During the opening ceremony, the presence of international experts was emphasised, along with the participation of the local community. In particular, the conclusions were entrusted to Paolo Enrico Sertoli, Head of the Maputo Office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), who brought forward AICS Maputo’s message of collaboration and support for sustainable development efforts in Mozambique.

The local community welcomed the international guest delegation, highlighting the inclusive and inspiring role of the Tricase Port Museum, where cultural diversity fosters the sharing of ideas and perspectives for a more sustainable future of global coastal communities. This fifth edition of the course offers an important opportunity for dialogue and cooperation between experts, researchers, decision-makers and local communities, laying the foundations for a joint commitment to environmental and social sustainability.

Furthermore, Paolo Enrico Sertoli highlighted the crucial role of AICS Maputo in promoting sustainable development in Mozambique, stating that “through AICS initiatives in Mozambique, an integrated approach is being promoted to support Blue Transformation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities.”

The Head of Office also stressed that “AICS Maputo’s active involvement in capacity building and regulatory support reflects the Agency’s commitment to supporting Mozambique in adhering to international conventions and protocols, thereby contributing to national efforts at sustainable coastal and marine management.”

This recognition was reiterated by the Director, who stated that “the ongoing initiatives led by AICS Maputo, including the proposals in Cabo Delgado province, are tangible examples of the Agency’s commitment to fostering participatory and sustainable management models, ensuring the active involvement of local communities and institutions in the conservation of marine ecosystems.”

The Course is attended by Ciro Novidade, current Head of the Central Department of Sea Administration at the National Institute of the Sea (INAMAR, IP). His presence among the participants reflects Mozambique’s commitment to contributing to the sustainable development of coastal communities through participation in international specialised training initiatives.

Investing in women: accelerating progress

On the day on which International Women’s Day is celebrated all over the world, we want to recall the message launched by Amélia Andalusa, from Dunda, Macossa district, in the province of Manica, during the first women’s camp organised by the DELPAZ Programme last November: “Conflict is a trauma for women, in every part of our lives. But now we want to continue to live in peace and we want to be emancipated, to do agriculture, small businesses, raise animals, we also know that there is digital economic emancipation, where we can use our phones to trade”.

This year, in fact, the International Women’s Day 2024 focuses on the crucial theme of ‘Investing in Women: Accelerating Progress’.[i] An opportunity to reflect on the importance of ensuring the rights of women and girls in all spheres of life, recognising that this not only fuels prosperous and just economies, but also helps to preserve a healthy planet for future generations.

The UNWomen report highlights that achieving gender equality in the Sustainable Development Goals requires USD 360 billion per year.[ii] However, the focus must not be limited to increasing funding, but also to reforming institutions at all levels so that the promotion of women’s empowerment becomes a political priority and an essential public investment.

To ‘accelerate progress’, UNWomen emphasises the need to ensure women’s access to financial resources, land, information, and technology. [iii]Promoting decent and sustainable employment, recognising the value of women’s care work, combating gender-based violence and promoting women’s participation in all decision-making processes are key actions.

The DELPAZ programme, an EU-funded Mozambican government programme, managed in collaboration with the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), and the Austrian cooperation agency (ADA), and implemented by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in the Provinces of Manica and Tete, and ADA in Sofala Province, is committed to translating these principles into concrete actions. Working closely with local institutions, DELPAZ promotes investments in public infrastructure to reduce inequalities in access to resources and improve women’s empowerment.

DELPAZ takes an inclusive approach, working on raising community awareness about peacebuilding, social inclusion and combating gender-based violence. And it does so by starting with voices, points of view, the creation of spaces for women – fundamental elements of women’s agency. DELPAZ is also committed to creating self-employment opportunities through vocational training courses and support for micro-enterprise start-ups, with a focus on women’s economic empowerment.

A tangible example of DELPAZ’s commitment is the Solidarity Camp in the Báruè District, Manica Province, organized in November 2023. This collective practice promotes solidarity, inclusion, and diversity, strengthening the role of women as local actors and building their leadership. Through these camps, women actively participate in decision-making processes, identify vulnerabilities and needs, and build concrete alternatives supported by the programme. Thus, we want to celebrate this 8 March 2024 by sharing the Declaration drafted by the women and men who participated in the Solidarity Camp.

On the day, Amélia Andalusa was very clear: ‘We already have our savings group and we need to raise awareness of other women. That’s why we want more camps like this! They should be organised in all districts, replicated and held in the communities, because that’s how we empower women and also men.”

AICS intensifies its efforts through initiatives focused on women’s access to financial resources, land and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Projects such as ‘Coding Girls’ aim to enhance women’s skills, opening up new opportunities for access to decent jobs in ICTs. Furthermore, initiatives such as ‘As Mulheres do SUSTENTA’ contribute concretely to the promotion of equal participation and leadership of women in rural areas.

The commitment of AICS to the DELPAZ Programme, reflects a holistic and targeted approach to addressing gender inequalities, providing concrete and sustainable solutions to ensure the well-being and empowerment of women in 2024 and beyond.

[i]  https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/announcement/2023/12/international-womens-day-2024-invest-in-women-accelerate-progress

[ii]  https://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2023/09/progress-on-the-sustainable-development-goals-the-gender-snapshot-2023

[iii] https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/explainer/2024/02/five-things-to-accelerate-womens-economic-empowerment




From conflict to agriculture: Evelina, an example of rebirth thanks to the DELPAZ programme

In Mozambique, particularly in the district of Gondola in Manica province, positive change is transforming lives and communities thanks to the DELPAZ programme. This programme is demonstrating its concrete impact through stories of rebirth like that of Evelina, a former guerrilla involved in the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Social Reintegration (DDR) process.

A witness to this transformation, Evelina recently shared her experience in an article published in the SAVANA newspaper. From her life in conflict, she is now embarking on a new path centred on agriculture and the well-being of her family. Her testimony is not only an inspiration, but also tangible proof of the value of programmes like DELPAZ in changing destinies and regenerating communities, and reflects the success of a holistic approach that goes beyond mere assistance, investing in human potential and local resources.

The DELPAZ Programme seeks to coordinate efforts between the government, partners and civil society organisations to invest in infrastructure, agricultural development and entrepreneurship. This endeavour aims to relaunch the economy of communities affected by conflict in 14 districts in the provinces of Manica, Tete and Sofala. Thanks to funding from the European Union and the implementation of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in Manica and Tete; the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) in Sofala; with the support of the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), DELPAZ supports the creation of opportunities to improve the lives of many people.