2025, January
- 24/01/2025 - International Education Day
- 14/01/2025 - Seed Distribution in the District of Tambara as a Response to Food Insecurity
2024, December
- 09/12/2024 - Evelina, Afonso Dhlakama’s former cook who used certified seeds for the first time
- 09/12/2024 - Eneida, the young electrician who wants to transform her quiet village with smart lighting
- 05/12/2024 - Marcos Augusto: personal transformation and creating opportunities for the youth of his community
- 03/12/2024 - Celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
2024, November
- 25/11/2024 - United for Equality: AICS Maputo’s Commitment to Ending Gender-Based Violence
- 22/11/2024 - Inauguration of the Industrial and Commercial Institute Engenheiro Filipe Jacinto Nyusi in Cabo Delgado
- 18/11/2024 - Monitoring and Evaluation Mission of the Deputy Administrative Directorate (VDA)
- 15/11/2024 - Participation of AICS Maputo in the 11th Edition of the CEO Dialogue on Southern Africa organized by The European House Ambrosetti (TEHA): Promoting Agribusiness and Integration in the SADC
2024, October
- 23/10/2024 - Mozambique – Mozambican coffee featured in the pages of “Coffee Magazine” thanks to AICS support
- 16/10/2024 - Mozambique – World Food Day – The AICS Office in Maputo renews its commitment to nutrition and agricultural resilience in the Manica Province.
- 15/10/2024 - Inauguration ceremony of the infrastructure works of the Inhaca Marine Biology Station
2024, September
2024, August
2024, June
2024, May
2024, April
- 26/04/2024 - AICS in Zimbabwe: Promoting Food Security
- 22/04/2024 - Rehabilitation of Escola Industrial Primeiro de Maio in Maputo: an important contribution of the PRETEP PLUS Program to the technical and vocational training in Mozambique
- 15/04/2024 - United for Reconstruction: Renovated Casa Algarve Handed Over in Búzi
2024, March
- 25/03/2024 - Reflections and aspirations: the voices of DELPAZ beneficiaries in the provinces of Tete, Sofala and Manica
- 22/03/2024 - Water: an Instrument of Peace
- 08/03/2024 - Investing in women: accelerating progress
- 07/03/2024 - Smartphone and chickens
- 06/03/2024 - Beyond the Challenges: The Story of Berta Arlindo, a Courageous Entrepreneur in Remote Mozambique